It’s time for some very serious Put Downs!

“Put Downs” in a game of sports can be an unrestrained device to gain a decisive edge over your opponent. It’s nothing short of gamesmanship. Some people, me included don’t really like that sort of thing, at least on a serious mind messing sort of way.

For example, want to screw up my golf game and watch me have a serious melt down right there in the splendid beauty of some of the worlds best landscaping? Just mess with my head a little and get my concentration off my game and on to all the stupid stuff some people define as “all in good fun”, gamesmanship.

Well leave it to me, Coach Garry, to find a very productive and enlightening way to redefine the term and to find a new method to utilize the practice in order to empower ourselves. The great part about this is that it really works, when of course you actually WORK AT IT. And did I mention that it’s not hard either?

So here’s the deal. Let me ask you just one question? (leave it to the coach to ask just “one” question; I know can’t be done, sort of like eating one potato chip, right?)

All right then here it is – What are you putting up with?

You know all of those stupid little things that annoy you in a small or not so small way that you really don’t want to have to ‘put up’ with if you had a choice. You see, the thing is, that you really do have a choice about putting up or not putting up with just about all of those things on your list. Really!
(*Hint – Make a list if you haven’t already)

Then (of course) I have another potato chip, I mean question.

What would it be called if you actually did something to reverse, remove, eradicate, minimize, destroy, or eliminate those things you just listed?

It would in fact be called a “Put Down”, am I right?

So how would it be if you actually did some ‘put downs’ on a regular basis? Would it be beneficial for you if you did that? If you said ‘Yes’ continue reading, because I will help you do exactly that, but in a much bigger way. You’ll love how this will turn out. You will be amazed at how this process will empower you.

The late Thomas Leonard, who is considered to be the grandfather of modern day coaching, created this little device called ‘Integrity Day’. This is a day or a block of time, that is put aside by you to serve but one purpose – To support YOU in whatever YOU feel is important to get addressed in that time. In other words, you are expressing the personal integrity to work on the world’s most important person’s (YOUR) priorities. No phone calls, no email, no FB, or web browsing. Just work on that ONE thing or things that you can get accomplished if you held your integrity to YOU during this process for say 4 hours or more. You should try this process, because you will be surprised what will be accomplished.

Integrity or Put Down Days are scheduled events that are FREE at my coaching practice and they allow us to get to know each other in a supportive environment where your priorities are essential. They are done with groups of participants where the group dynamics and synergy play well together, like a team.

To learn more about Integrity / Put Down Days go to my website

and check out the schedule for the next few sessions and sign up for one. They’re FREE and the only thing you have to loose is perhaps that voice in your head saying ‘you should’ve, would’ve could’ve. Believe me once you go through this process, you’ll be glad that you did. Come to think of it, I’ll be glad that you did as well.

