What Motivates You? (Carrot or Stick)

What is your motivational model? (response requested AFTER you read this blog)

In the overall scheme of life there are two things that are the primary factors that motivate humans, and it is probably no surprise to you what they are; Pain and Pleasure

There are so many variations of Pain and Pleasure as to boggle ones head I’m sure, but lump them all together and they would have to go into either one bucket or the other.

So I was wondering though what, and just as importantly, when, does either of those impact your motivational engine?

I say when, because in my motivational model, both pain and pleasure can and do motivate me at different times in the process of getting (and staying) motivated.

Briefly stated my model is generally this;

At initialization of my motivation to get into action, Pain is the primary element in many cases. Pain can look like physical or emotional pain; most likely from the fact that I have sat too long ‘looking’ or ‘thinking’ or ‘forgetting’ about the situation which needed to be addressed. I had been aware of the pain of not doing it now, but would rather sit and enjoy the pleasure of not doing it.

For those of you that missed that point there, pleasure actually served as a de-motivator for me to get something started let alone getting it done! Imagine that?!

However once I do get into action, and get some momentum, pain is increasingly less of a key motivator, the further I move away from the initialization point (start) of the process. And if pain wanes in its force apparent, then what comes in to fill its space?

You got it, Pleasure. Now pleasure is, as I’m sure all of you know, a much easier partner to work with than is pain – Much Easier. I enjoy working with Pleasure as my primary motivator, but I will admit right here and now, it’s a bit of a de-motivator for me in the longer run. Then I am leaning on the pain to get me going again.

So you see my primal motivators are really a hodge-podge or stew of sorts with both carrots and some sticks thrown in for good fiber content. It looks like this really;


So I was wondering, what does you motivational model look like? Would you mind sharing it with me, either in a quick diagram format as a comment to this blog, or perhaps a more detailed description in a private email?

I really would appreciate it, and look forward to hearing from some of you soon.

Until next time I remain,

Your Partner in Success,

Coach Garry

  1. Hmmmm? carrot or stick Huh? very interesting! Im with you its usually the stick that motivates first but on occation the pleasure vision rules.
