The Power of U

The Power of U (PART ONE-)

One of my very favorite quotes I have ever heard is one by Henry Ford –

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are probably right”

The reason that it is one of my favorites is because it resonates with me so well and so often. I say “often” because I find myself needing to revisit that frame of thinking on a regular basis. It helps me to get back on track, face forward and take some action toward achieving the solution.

Have you ever been there? Or perhaps needing to be there? I bet you have.

And there it is my friends the Power of YOU. You have an incredible power within you to determine what’s going to happen with you, maybe not TO you necessarily, but even then you have some distinct power to set your course from there.

You know the old adages are all around, like “Your attitude determines your altitude” – I remember hearing that 10+ years ago from Zig Ziglar.

So if we all have this great power inside of us, why aren’t we using it ALL THE TIME?
That’s a good question and one I can’t answer for anyone else but myself. I’d love to find that common link that would work for everyone, but I don’t have it. Yet.

One of the big things that work at getting me off the positive perspective is what I call the train wreck. It doesn’t have to be a monumental tragedy, like someone getting sick, or totaling my car in an accident. It can be a simple bump in the smooth running road that throws me into chaos. Then it could take hours or even days to get the train righted on the track again. UGH!

If I don’t think about my choices and RESPOND to the scene, I will end up REACTING and when I do that all sorts of not good stuff happens. I loose, momentum, perspective, and clarity of purpose. I get caught up in emotional hodge-podge that pulls me away like a black hole.

However if I temper my response, and are very careful to think about what my response will be (before I even open my mouth) rather that just react in a knee jerk manner, than something wonderful happen – The train stays on the track!

It may have to slow down considerably or even stop for a red light, but it STAYS ON THE TRACKS, which means I don’t loose hours or days getting back to where I originally was.

In his book the Success Principles, Jack Canfield describes this positive relationship of desired outcome as a formula;

E + R = O
(Event + Response = Outcome)

I discovered it long ago, but forgot the power of this relationship over time. Reading his book again, in my Ideas Into Action Book Study, has put this principle front and center in my focus. I am committed to utilizing it on a daily basis, until I have created a habit of using it effectively.

So for today and the foreseeable future, I plan on actively tapping into the Power of You (Me) and staying on track for the focused, positive outcomes I deserve. What about you?

