Were you hurt by Irene?

I am offering one month of free coaching to to the first 25 people in Vermont who were hurt by hurricane Irene. Email me at irene@garrycarlson.com with your story and I will get in touch with you as soon as...

Playing Like A Champion

I was truly mesmerized yesterday while watching the play of Keegan Bradley as he pounded his way to the top of the heap at the Players Championship Golf Tournament. This tournament is one of the four MAJOR tournaments all year in the game of golf. The fact alone that he did this in his Rookie Year on the PGA Tour is somewhat of a MAJOR accomplishment, but it was how he did it that I would like to...

Hey – Whats the BIG Idea Here?? (Read On)

What is the value of a really great idea that never gets put into motion or acted upon? That’s right, nothing. I know how that goes and I’ve discovered a way to get over on it. I am a coach – that’s what I do! I try my absolute best not to ‘give my advice because I’m not using it’ with my clients. I prefer to do the work or show what work I have done. I am offering a method for us...

The Power of U

The Power of U (PART ONE-) One of my very favorite quotes I have ever heard is one by Henry Ford – “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are probably right” The reason that it is one of my favorites is because it resonates with me so well and so often. I say “often” because I find myself needing to revisit that frame of thinking on a regular basis. It helps me to get back on...

What Motivates You? (Carrot or Stick)

What is your motivational model? (response requested AFTER you read this blog) In the overall scheme of life there are two things that are the primary factors that motivate humans, and it is probably no surprise to you what they are; Pain and Pleasure There are so many variations of Pain and Pleasure as to boggle ones head I’m sure, but lump them all together and they would have to go into...

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